This is my true story about my evil not identical twin sister, Kay Ward Anderson, (Kay Anderson) Mrs. Frank Anderson. I and writing this in sections so I can go back as I think of things. The above photo was taken more than 14 years ago. The last time I saw Kay was in court room where she had me arrested for texting her. She looked like an 80 year old woman. Kay has always been vain and was always told she was the pretty twin. She won't show her face on social media now. 

 IT IS my story and what I lived thru. Everything I write here will be MY TRUTH.  I realize  she is rich and that Dad has written me out of the will giving it all to her including ALL the original art I put on their walls while she lived her filthy rich lifestyle elsewhere. I do not have anything to lose so hold on because what you are about to read is what Kay NEVER wanted me to share. That was why she had me arrested. She flew in THREE times on Delta ONE to make sure her secrets would never be heard yet she told lies about me, used them in the court proceedings, (well a few of them) to try and make me out to be mentally unstable. That was the ONLY way she thought she could erase what she did, go after me.There is NOTHING mentally wrong with me.


SO where do I begin? Well let's take a walk back to when we were young. Kay had this thing for sex. She was quite developed back then and I was not. I was the UGLY twin and Kay never let me forget it. I was also the SMART twin, the talented one. What I am about to say is embarrassing but I have kept it inside of me all of my life. Kay molested me. She used her body against mine to do what I really have no idea what, but it was awful! Then she told me she would hurt me if I ever told anyone. I Remember the time we went to a friend's house and went upstairs. I sat across the room while Kay and that friend enjoyed each other. YES I watched. It was gross. But Kay seemed to be enjoying it. That girl now a grown woman, would never speak to me in later years. I know why. 


Let's go on to college. We skipped our senior year in high school because Kay wanted to. I don't think she could stand the fact I was going to be the valedictorian and she was not. That is why she pushed so hard for it. I was not ready and went back to high school to take art half of the day. We used to play tennis in high school. I wore the long shorts and t shirts we were supposed to wear. But when we went to college Kay got cute short tennis dresses from her friends to play tennis. The next year we had a dorm room together. We were supposed to go home every weekend, but Kay stopped going because she wanted to party and party she did. I saw her drunk on many occasions.  Kay wore her friend's cute sexy clothes while I still wore the dresses Mom made us. She used to put bandaids on her nipples so she could go without a bra. I witnessed this with my own eyes. She was very large. Her friends were popular and pretty. I was not. Kay did not want me in our room and that was quite evident. THEN Kay and her girlfriends decided to do something horrible to me. She set me up on a date with this guy. I was still a virgin. Kay knew that. I had not been on any dates. His objective, per  Kay's request, (he told me this) was to make sure I came back no longer a virgin. WELL the dress Mom made us keep that from happening. It was long and he did not succeed. I remember exactly what it looked like. When I came back to the dorm room Kay and her girlfriends laughed at me and Kay kicked me out of our dorm room. I remember her kicking a hot pan down the hallway at me as they all laughed. I had to find another roommate and ended up rooming with a girl in a wheelchair. I had to clean up her messes and it was awful while Kay partied with her friends. One night I had enough and I emptied that girl's medicine cabinet. They called Mom and Dad and I was rushed to the hospital. They pumped may stomach and took me back to her room. No one asked me why I did it. To this day no one ever knew. That girl ended up turning on me when I would not take her to bars and lied about me. I was stuck with her while Kay partied away.

But that was not all I experienced with Kay while in college.

My best friend sat in a wheelchair because of a motorcycle accident. We were really close. One day his face was white as a ghost and I asked him what was wrong. He said "nothing". I repeated the question until he finally said "There is a list of top easy lays on campus". I said "so what". I will leave it there as to the thing he said next to me. It has to do with who was number 9. Yes that is what I had to endure AFTER Kay kicked me out of our dorm room. 



Kay would meet her first husband at a fraternity party in college, Steve Sams. When they were dating she wanted her things she left at our house, so she asked me to go there one day to get them. No, actually she came to my room and demanded that I go with her. Dad was not at all happy with Kay. As a matter of fact once when they were taking me back to the dorm, he had a bag full of groceries in his hands and saw Kay in her Daisy Duke shorts. He dropped the bag of groceries and went running after her right there on campus. I was having to go home and cover for Kay not being there, when I knew all along WHY she did not come home. Imagine being on campus and having people ask you if that was your twin sister they saw at a party and telling you what she did at that party. I endured that almost daily on campus. Some girls participated in gang bangs at fraternity parties. Steve told me Stories about that and who did.

On the drive to our house Steve and Kay argued all of the way with me being in the back seat. When we got there, Dad came outside with all of her things and dumped them in the front yard. 


Once after graduating college I visited her and her then husband, Steve, in FL. Kay partied down there too. We went out one night, just Kay and me. Steve did not like partying after college plus he was a diabetic. I had one drink and she had many. That night when we came back she passed out right under the toilet. Steve came in and put a blanket over her and left her there. I asked him why he did that. He said "By God that's where she passed out. Thats' where she will sleep". Steve did not coddle Kay. Yes Kay drank a lot.

After college I went to Nashville after working in Kingsport for a while. I was afraid to go home becasuse of the abuse at home and also what Kay had done to me. I just stayed away instead of dealing with it all. I finally had no choice but to come back to where my parents lived and that was when I met my husband. He had already met Kay and said he was not at all impressed. His uncle told him he had met the other two Ward girls and had gotten the last best one, me.

Let me pause here for a moment and discuss what abused people often do. They often have a hard time pulling away from their abuser and continue to go back to try and be good (when they are not the bad one) because they want to be part of a family or relationship. With all the things Kay did to me, I was that person, always trying to get her to be my sister. I was and am still not good enough for her.

Her abuse continued even when I was preparing for my own wedding as well. I was married on December 31st and wanted a red wedding. Kay just happened to be in for a visit from whatever she was doing and I asked her to be my maid of honor. At the time she was divorced from her first husband. She literally planned using Steve to get to the next richer chapter of her life. Conversations I had with Steve and his mother proved that plus I did witness her treatment of him. I happened to like her first husband.

I tried to get Kay to try on this pretty red dress I found for my bridesmaids and her. She refused to try them on and basically I had to choose something she would wear, SO Kay chose the color of my wedding. It was NOT red. Mom and Dad did not do one thing for my wedding. They never paid for a thing. 

During the first years of my marriage I lived close to Mom and Dad. Kay lived far away and started dating a pilot in the air-force. I was the one who took care of Mom and Dad's property while they traveled to places and went to visit Kay as she planned her wedding. Not until later years did I understand that I was being used. Funny how the nice daughter gets that a lot. 

The years I spent after that trying to get Kay to be my twin were many. She once told me I should just leave my husband at home and go do my art. She also told me my art was not good enough for her, because rich people only hung contemporary art on their walls. I am a realistic almost photographic painter.

I remember a high school reunion we had. I asked her what she was going to wear and she said something simple. I got this cute Laura Ashley dress and she came walking in wearing a blue sequins slit up the side long dress. She sat on one side of the room. I sat on the other side. She kept drinking and telling people she was only married 30% of the time because her husband was gone most of the time and that we could have the reunion at her house the next time because she had a pool. Kay did not stay with me doing that time because I did not want a drunk at my house. She could not stay with Mom and Dad because of her drinking either. She stayed with a classmate in a mobile home. She was drunk when she left. Other classmates remember that evening. 

There were times in my marriage I could not go see Mom and Dad because of the ongoing abuse, but I always tried to stay in touch with Mom. Kay never came to see them once she got married. I was not invited to her wedding either, not even asked to be her matron of honor. I was never good enough for Kay.

In 2003 I was going to my basement trying to catch Scottie, my black cat, and I passed out and fell to the bottom of the steps. They took me to a hospital here where I live. That hospital sent me home with a couple of pain pills and told me to call them if I was worse in the morning. The next morning I was in convulsions. That was a time when I had gone back to see Mom and Dad and once again, tried to overcome Dad's abuse just to see Mom. They were coming to see me. They found me that way and called my husband. He told them to take me to Kingsport. That was when they discovered I had a soft ball sized brain tumor in my head. The first hospital had a broken CT scan machine and did not take my situation seriously. I almost died. During my surgery and recovery Kay had to be bossy there as well. She called one day and found out she was not on my list of people who could call me.She went to the top and demanded to be on that list. That was the only time my BP went up. Kay was a nurse and let her license expire but she was the authority on anything medical. I think I would have to say Kay knew nothing about the fact I was in really bad shape and did not need her meddling or telling other people what to do. 


Kay would constantly call me and tell me what I was supposed to do for Mom. It was my job to make sure she was ok. Kay never came home. She was bossy. Kay was always bossy to me and I pretty much did what she told me to do. I actually got Mom away from Dad twice per Kay's request and she backed out coming home to help, leaving me to care for Mom alone. Once of those times my Dad came to my house and stood outside my gate and threatened to burn my house down if I did not tell him where she was. I still have all of the letters Mom wrote to me when she escaped to Kay's one time. She would refer to going to Kay's shrink. I finally had to have my husband tell Kay to stop calling me. Now that I think about it that was harassing to me. Constant calling me and demanding that I do things for Mom.

There was a time when Kay did not speak to Dad. Mom and Dad had visited Kay and Frank when they lived in Texas. An ugly incident happened when Dad came in the her house from their camper and found Mom talking to Frank in their bedroom. There is what Mom told me and to protect her I will not tell it, but Kay kicked Dad out of her house and stopped talking to him.


<<<<<More here later>>>>>>>>>>>>

Years went by and when I would visit Mom, when I was not afraid of Dad, she would often tell me she wished Kay would come home to visit instead of sending expensive gifts. Kay loved showing off what she had by sending Mom expensive gifts, like the entire lipstick line of her favorite makeup. I used to give Mom colors I got that I did not like but she would like. SHE WORE MINE. One Christmas I went all out and got Mom a bunch of things, sweater, top, hand bag and popcorn maker all in pink, her favorite color.  I made her stuffed mushrooms, her favorite and got her a small Christmas tree. She gave it all back saying she would not wear them all but kept  the popcorn maker. I know that the real reason was. She did not think I could afford it. That was my last Christmas with her. She never gave Kay's back. All the while I was texting Kay about my life as an artist and other things, trying to get her to be my sister. She never responded to my texts. I sent her videos of Mom and Dad at Christmas. No response from her. 

Thru the years I started to see Mom decline. I really did not know why. But I could see it. She wanted her antique doll back she gave to Kay to be fixed. I knew Kay was not giving it back, so I took her this HUGE pastel I did of her doll in a high chair in an antique store in Jonesboro. I had taken it there to take photos. I think she was three when she got that doll. We hung it outside of her bedroom. That was the only wall space left. All my other originals had filled the spaces on her walls. 

Sometime in 2018 I got a text from Kay telling me not to talk about her to Mom that she meant the world to her. That was the ONLY text I ever got from Kay. Little did she know I did not talk about her. I had too many other things happy things I wanted to share with Mom. BUT Kay would always call as I was walking in the door to take up Mom's time. 


One day we were sitting in the family room and out of the blue mom said "Kay said you were going to FL to sleep with men." I was hurt as that was not so and I clearly had no idea why Kay would say that. It hurt me. 

The beginning of the end, Kay Ward Anderson (Mrs. Frank  Anderson) when my own evil not identical sister had me arrested for texting her, yes texting her. 



Above is a  photo of Frank Anderson, Kay's husband. This was 2019 right before I had to appear once again in court to show I was a good little girl and had done all she had requested me to do.  In Kay's complaint against me she accused me of texting him photos of me. I texted him one photo to show him his sister in law, a photo of me wearing a cute pair of yellow jeans in front of my azalea path. That was all. It was a simple photo, me fully clothed saying, "Hi I am your sister in law". Did he even know what she was doing to me? I seriously doubt it. Let me be clear, the purpose of sharing this photo is simply a part of my telling my true story I was not allowed to share in court and to make sure people know who the person Kay used in her complaint against me was.

Those court details will be written about soon.


Disclaimer: In the final agreement no one told me I could not write about what happened to me and since what Kay did resulted in my not seeing my Mom when she was ill and not being able to be there when she died or care for her the year prior, I am now writing my story.